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The advantages of protected sex when you are an escort

The advantages of protected sex when you are an escort

The job of professional escort in Nantes is not without risks; it is good to know exactly what you can do to limit them and enjoy all the benefits without a problem. Among other things, one of the main risks is to contract venereal disease. The answer is simple and constitutes one of the basic rules of student escort work, for example: always practice protected sex, always use a condom. Always have a few, never count on their customers bringing their condoms. If you are a student in this field take advantage of the wide range of colors, shapes, and tastes created by the manufacturers of condoms and turn it into a toy that can improve the

If I use condoms all the time, should I take pills?

Many girls prefer to take birth control pills as part of their protective measures, even if they only have safe sex and always use a condom. It is an additional safety net; even a condom is not 100% safe, and an abortion is an extremely traumatic experience for a student. Do not take pills just because everyone is doing the same thing or because a friend has recommended a certain brand to you. Ask your gynecologist and do the necessary hormonal tests. Remember that you will take them for a very long time, it makes no sense to risk the side effects of bad pills, such as the development of hormonal or varicose imbalances.

How do I ask clients to only have safe sex?

Let them know from the start that this is the only option. Since the announcement you made on the Internet or in magazines, she understands a few words that suggest that this is safe sex and not a student in this field - such as "safe and secure pleasure", " an evening you will never regret ”, etc. If you work through an escort service, inform your employer that you will only practice protected sex. In general, no reputable agency will accept anything else; if she tries to force you to have sex without a condom, run away. There is enough, as they say, you will surely find a better and safer agency the next day.

Then, he directly announces to the client that sex will only have them with a condom, from the first contact with him - either by phone or by email. Do not insist; If he says yes, it means he has understood, and everything is fine if he says no, let him know that it cannot be done otherwise, and let him look for a venereal disease elsewhere. Some customers may be lucky to never take anything, it is a risk they can take if they wish; for you, who work regularly with different people from different backgrounds, this risk is not an option.

Do not look at the client's clothes and car, and do not think "how much money he has, he surely has nothing, he can buy all the doctors in the world". Men usually go to the doctor rarely; workers, who own a business or run a large business, have even less time to take care of themselves. Even a "serious" man, with his wife and children, who visits you to relax once a month, can have the hepatitis of a child who in turn took him from kindergarten - nothing is certain, and you risk not only your job and your money, but your life.